Discover the Acea Group online 2019 Consolidated Report

Main risks and uncertainties

Due to the nature of its business, the Group is exposed to various types of risks, in particular regulatory risks, risks from natural events and climatic variations, political/social and macroeconomic context risks, operational and environmental risks and financial market risks. In order to manage these risks, analyses and monitoring are carried out by each company as part of a structured and coordinated process implemented at a Group level through the integration of two complementary approaches (ERM and Continuous Risk Management), aimed at assessing and treating the risks of the entire organisation in an integrated logic, consistent with its risk appetite, with the aim of providing management with the information needed to make the most appropriate decisions to achieve strategic and business objectives, to safeguard, grow and create value for the company.

This combination is designed to ensure effective control of the entire universe of main risks the Group is potentially exposed to, guaranteeing management of the Group's overall exposure in line with the objectives of the Business Plan and Sustainability.

In order to contain these types of risks, the Group has implemented mitigation and monitoring as summarised below at both a corporate and industrial segment level.

For risk mitigation long ago the Acea Group introduced the development and adoption of a Group Insurance Plan based on the following pillars:

-Third Party Liability

- Property Damage

- Employee benefits

The first two pillars transfer the economic and/or asset risk deriving from civil liability – in all its general, professional, environmental and cyber forms – and from events (accidental, culpable or malicious) affecting the Group's physical and production assets.

The third pillar, on the other hand, aside from transferring economic and financial risk, implements a corporate welfare measure guaranteeing and paying the employees of the Acea Group significant financial support – both to those directly concerned and to those who may be entitled – in case of serious traumatic events related to both the professional and private spheres.

Still on the subject of risk mitigation, most of the companies of the Acea Group have adopted and maintain an Integrated Quality, Environment, Safety and Energy Management System (hereinafter the "System"), which complies with UNI ISO 9001:2015 (Quality), UNI ISO 14001:2015 (Environment), BS OHSAS 18001:2007/UNI ISO 45001:2018 (Safety) and UNI ISO 50001:2018 (Energy), certified by an accredited external body, as a tool for the prevention of accidents, diseases and pollution, as well as a measure to promote and support the efficiency and effectiveness of the company's processes, including energy processes, and to achieve continuous improvement in the performance of the System itself and work management.

Note that, on the date of preparation of the current Management Report, we do not expect to be exposed to further risks and uncertainties that may have a significant impact on the results of the Acea Group's operations, equity or financial position, other than those mentioned in this document.