Letter to the stakeholders
In this particularly delicate, even dramatic moment for our Country and the whole world, we would like to reach out to all the stakeholders of the Acea Group. In fact, the health emergency caused by the Covid-19 pandemic is still ongoing and is having social and economic impacts of such a magnitude and scale that it is impossible to underestimate or ignore them. [...]
Stefano Antonio Donnarumma
Stefano Antonio Donnarumma
The Chairman
Michaela Castelli
Michaela Castelli
Relations with the stakeholders
The relationship with our stakeholders helps us to respond more efficiently to the reasonable requests from the territory or communities, our customers, employees and suppliers.
people heardthrough Customer Satisfaction surveys
86 km
of upgraded MV gridand 106 substations rebuilt with the Areti Resilience Plan
Appto assist hearing impaired customers
Water Kiosks active in 201926 million litres supplied, 519 t of plastic/year tons and 932 t of CO2 atmospheric tons emissions avoided
of LED lamps of the total ones: lower consumptionSustainable maxi posters
for Acea Energia campaigns165.8
€ millionin dividends
of the share capital held by sustainable investors(equal to 26% of institutional investors)
ESG analysts
ratings of Acea: A- from CDP and EE- from Standard Ethics27
€ millioninvested in research and innovation projects
Acea's First
Innovation day
Acea cooperates with
on projects related to the sustainable management of waste and water cycle1,200
people involvedin the awareness-raising event “Il Gruppo Acea SiCuradiTe”
My Welfare
the new platform with personal and family services50%
of people with MBO choose sustainability targets1.2
€ million2019 procurement value and over 2,800 contracts entered
of qualified suppliersassessed on sustainability issues
site safety checksperformed by the Procurement Safety Unit
Relations with the environment
Looking after vital resources such as water and energy requires the management of complex infrastructures – networks and systems – in the areas concerned, with major impacts on local communities. We are committed to transforming these impacts into development opportunities for our Group and our stakeholders.
Drinking water supplied
447 Mm3
by Acea Ato 2, Acea Ato 5, Gori and Gesesa
Wastewater processed
666 Mm3
by the Acea Ato 2, Acea Ato 5, Gori and Gesesa treatment plants
Water Safety Plan
Launched for Rome and over 90% of the population of ATO 2 – Central LazioSludge produced
127,750 t
by Acea Ato 2, Acea Ato 5, Gori and Gesesa,
of which 34% recovered
Energy Infrastructure
Total electricity produced
904 GWh
of which 70% from renewable sources
CO2 Saved
229,000 t
of CO2 saved through the production of
electricity from renewable sources
instead of traditional ones
Territory protected
of the territory protected(underground HV grid/total HV grid)
Electric energy
10,600 GWh
electrical power demand on the grid
Quality compost
16,540 t
Produced (+40% compared to 2018)
11,500 kNm3
produced and from this 20 GWh of energyWaste-to-energy
357 GWh
of energy producedWaste-to-energy
22% output/input
in waste-to-energy: 434,600 t of waste input and and 97,400 t of waste output
Efficiency improvement
5.4 GWh
of savings per year and 1,900 t of CO2 avoided thanks to energy
efficiency improvement actions in Areti and in the water sector
424 GWh
of electrical consumption of the Group's
member companies from GO-certified
renewable energy