Discover the Acea Group online 2019 Sustainability Report

Water Segment Overview

Scope of reference

The scope of reference includes the companies Acea Ato 2, Acea Ato 5, Gori and Gesesa.

Acque, AdF, Publiacqua and Umbra Acque, water companies not included in the scope of the Consolidated Non-Financial Statement (pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 254/2016). They have been included only in the water graphs, where their contribution is immediately evident, and in a few other global data (water fed into the system and analytical calculations). Specific data concerning these Companies are provided in a separate chapter. Water company data sheets and overseas activities.


Of all the Group’s core businesses, the management of water in all phases of the integrated water service is one of the most important.

The activities are carried out with growing attention, in line with the greater attention to water resources at an international level. The protection of the resource is expressed in the priority of recovering losses (see the box in the paragraph Attention to water consumption), circular economy, activities to combat climate change and in the already mentioned protection of springs (paragraph Protection of the local region) and searches for new springs and also in an increasingly precise monitoring of water consumption, seeking to reduce it.

The total pool of users served in Italy by the Group115 is about 8.6 million inhabitants, with volumes of drinking water fed into the network in 2019 equal to about 1,370 million cubic metres.

The volumes of drinking water introduced by Acea Ato 2, Acea Ato 5 and Gesesa amounted to 1,018 million cubic metres, with a total supply116 of 447 million cubic metres for 5.8 million inhabitants served. For specific data on the three companies, see the Environmental Accounts.

In OTA 2 – Central Lazio alone, comprising the city of Rome and 111 other municipalities – of which 79117 under management at 31 December 2019 – the volume of water withdrawn and fed into the network serving the approximately 3.7 million inhabitants was approximately 690 million cubic metres118.



NOTE The kilometres of network include the aqueducts

115 As specified at the start of the chapter, the data of the total inhabitants served by the water business, of the volume fed into the network, and the size of the networks and checks on the water (shown in special graphs) include all the operational companies in the Group, also those not included within the scope of the Consolidated Non-Financial Statement.
116 This refers to the total amount of drinking water dispensed and billed in the network by the companies in the scope.
117 In 18 other municipalities the integrated water service was managed partially.
118 The items of the water balance of the past three years were calculated using the calculation criteria supplied by ARERA. See the Environmental Accounts for details.