The customer is recognized as one of Acea’s key stakeholders, to whom maximum attention and care should be paid. The objective is to improve the customer journey, namely the customer’s experience when entering into contact with the Group companies and with the Acea Brand.
The operating companies pursue this objective in their customer relations, while in the Holding company the Data Driven Management Unit (ITS) ensures integrated management of the monitoring of customer/end-user relations in the Group, identifying actions aimed at optimising customer experience in agreement with industrial segments and companies.
Using a dedicated unit within the External Relations and Communications Department of the Parent Company, Acea oversees the listening to the requests made by consumer associations. In conjunction with the Operating Companies, in 2019 the Holding unit also organized a number of meetings with the main consumer associations to gather any requests coming from the local regions and to continue to raise awareness of the use of digital and telephone channels exclusively dedicated to them.
The Consumer Associations recognized by the National Consumer and User Council (CNCU) also support and represent customers who intend to resort to a joint settlement procedure for the out-of-court settlement of commercial disputes, used by Acea for several years. Following the Memorandum of Understanding for ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) signed in 2016 by 19 consumer associations and the companies Acea Energia, Areti, Acea Ato 2 and Acea Ato 5, the ADR Body61 was established which allows customers of the Companies that signed the Protocol62 to seek out-of-court dispute resolution through the ADR procedure. In 2019 the Authority received a total of 474 requests for procedures (360 assessed as appropriate, in accordance with the rules and regulations, and 114 not applicable), of which 263 for the water sector and 211 for the energy sector.
Some time ago Gori also signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the settlement of disputes with local consumer associations, and handled 120 settlement requests during the year. With the aim of establing a dialogue with the public, Gori has also carried out some campaigns, for example for the correct protection of meters and systems against frost or on the quality of the water distributed, broadcasting them on different channels and using videos and other media for the web and the press. Gesesa manages the conciliation service through Consumer Service Points and in 2019 3 conciliation procedures were carried out. Moreover, twice a year it holds meetings with consumer associations in the managed area.
On specific days and times of the week Acea Ato 5 continues to maintain two “Consumer Service Points” for the management of commercial cases in Frosinone and Cassino, dedicated to the 14 Consumer Associations in the territory registered with OTUC (Body for the Protection of Users’ and Consumers’ Rights). In November 2019 the Company, the Operational Technical Secretariat (STO) of Ato 5-Southern Lazio and OTUC signed a memorandum of understanding to facilitate the regularisation of undocumented users. In addition, during the year it implemented the agreement signed in 2018 with the Territorial Agency for Residential Building of Frosinone (ATER) to improve the quality of water service to users in public housing, and at the same time to prevent and combat the phenomenon of abuse which affects both the occupation of public housing and connections to the water system. In particular, Acea Ato 5 started to replace the unified meters with individual ones, installing the first 62 meters in the 7 apartment complexes that have requested them. This has allowed the Company, which has also opened a communication channel dedicated to residents of ATER housing, to independently manage each user and to intervene directly to address specific problems and situations of abuse or default. Finally, thanks to the agreement signed at the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce of Frosinone with the trade associations (Federlazio, CNA, Confimpreseitalia, Unione Artigiani Italiani and Unindustria), the Company offers companies and small entrepreneurs a dedicated email channel and the possibility of solving cases by appointment, simplifying and accelerating administrative procedures.
The judicial disputes that took place during the year between Acea and the customers is explained in the dedicated box.
Legal proceedings
brought by customers against companies of the Acea Group mainly concerned disputes relating to
charges for service supply, adjustments, pricing structures and service activation delays.
Disputes in 2019 totalled 1,000, 226 of which had already been resolved last year.
Compared with 2018, the number of customer disputes increased mainly due to challenges to payment orders filed by the Companies Acea Ato 5 and Gori (501 disputes began in 2018). Customer litigation continues to be the most rapid solution and less costly procedure.
Acea Energia implements procedures aimed at preventing and combating the phenomenon of “disputed activations/contracts” and “unsolicited accounts”63. Depending on the channel used for the contract proposal (PDC) and its subscrition by customers in the open market – door-to-door sales network, telephone – the Company has defined and carries out procedures aimed at verifying that the content of the contract signed has been clearly explained, the sales representative’s conduct has been proper and, above all, that the customer is actually aware of his or her choice. Indeed, the consumer receives a notice of connection start or a Confirmation Call, and this helps the Company to limit the risks of any misunderstandings and the late exercise of the right of withdrawal. Acea Energia checks the completeness and absence of alterations of all paper contracts and listens to all telephone records produced by the sales agents. In the event of a negative result of the checks, the IT systems stop the activation of the new offer from continuing.
In 2018 Acea Energia also introduced and in 2019 promoted a digital sales channel, which provides for the signing of the contract with a biographometric signature via tablet and app, following a process designed to minimize the causes that can lead to the improper conclusion of a contract in compliance with regulatory obligations. The process is based on elements (biographometric signature, pre-contractual and contractual documents acquired digitally, with submission to the back-end systems of the Company) that eliminate the risk of errors and/or tampering. This made it possible to eliminate the confirmation call and formal controls for digital contracts produced by sales agents.
As regards the Agency Mandate that governs relations with the sales agents network, as noted the Company carries out checks on the services, and in 2019 analysed 468 contract offers that were the subject of complaints (classified as “disputed activations/contracts” or “accounts not requested”). It reported 60 cases of “improper commercial practices” to the Agencies, a very small number compared to 2018 (539 cases), and issued pecuniary sanctions amounting to € 20,000. Acea Energia carried out a compulsory training programme for sales representatives (see the Suppliers chapter) and has maintained bonus/malus mechanisms linked to the quality of acquisitions in its contracts with its sales agents.
The commercial action of Acea Energia on the free market seeks to satisfy customer requirements: from families to large business customers, diversifying the offers (see dedicated box). In 2019 the “green” energy sold to customers in the free market continued to increase (+28.5% compared to 2018 volumes) – also see the box dedicated to commercial offers – and the share of this item of the total energy sold in the year to customers in the free market by Acea Energia (about 3,826 GWh, also see the Environmental accounts) stood at 30% (it was 26.8% of the final amount of electricity sold in 2018).
During 2019 Acea Energia launched two important communications campaigns with a distinctive graphic format, which brings out the brand’s colours and represents the protagonists in dynamic positions and at the time of the relationship with the energy. The campaigns sought to enhance the brand identity and launch the new tagline “More light, more gas, more you”, highlighting the company’s core business of selling electricity and gas on the free market, underlining Acea Energia’s commitment to moving from a “commodity oriented” company to a “service-based” and “customer- centred” company and qualifying it for the ability to understand the needs of the different commercial targets.
Concurrent with the communications campaigns on the new tagline “More light, more gas, more you”, Acea Energia reshaped its commercial offer with the introduction of two new light and gas products:
- Acea Like Us, which offers the customer the opportunity to buy electricity and gas at wholesale price, with a small monthly contribution. The product headline “Light and gas? You pay as much as we do” summarizes the benefits of the offer clearly and directly;
- Acea Doubles, which includes a discount on energy and gas components that doubles every two months up to 80% in a year. The visual of the product ironically represents the characteristics of the offer: the exponential discount is represented by people whose hair and moustaches have grown out of control. To support the visual, the product headline says “The more time passes, the greater the benefit”.
With the aim of strengthening the relationship with large business customers, Acea Energia offers a special deal to employees of its B2B customers, giving them the possibility of signing up for an Acea Like Us product on favourable terms. The product is promoted through internal communications by the company concerned using materials made available by Acea Energia.
During the year, Acea Energia also launched several promotions dedicated to the most digitized customers. This is the case with the Acea FastClick offer for customers who sign up via web, offering them the chance to manage their energy supply completely online. The product Acea Viva is still available, supplying “green” energy produced from renewable sources with a Guarantee of Origin responding to the needs of customers who are more attentive to the environment has linked to the activation of the bill delivered via web. For large business clients, choosing the Acea Viva product constitutes an asset of strategic positioning, strengthened by personalized solutions of communication which Acea Energia makes available to them. The overall volume of green energy sold in 2019 was estimated64 at 1,144 GWh, with an increase of 28.5% compared to 2018’s final value65 (890 GWh).
Finally, in compliance with the provisions of the Authority, Acea Energia has prepared the differentiated PLACET offers – Free Price at Equivalent Protected Conditions – for families (domestic use) or small businesses (non-domestic use). This type of offer is included in the package of commercial proposals at freely determined prices but with contractual conditions defined by the Authority. The economic conditions are decided by the seller and renewed every 12 months; the price structure and the contractual conditions (e.g. guarantees, instalments) are determined by the Authority. The uniformity of the price structure and contractual conditions, the exclusion of any additional service and the possibility of activating energy supplies (electricity and gas) only separately and with two separate contracts make PLACET offers easily comparable with each other.
The “Acea con Te” loyalty programme for free-market domestic electricity and gas customers saw a 53% increase in subscribers compared to 2018. The Emozioni da Prima Fila (First Row Emotions) contest continued throughout the year, offering prizes of admission to exclusive events and experiences. In December, visual identities and rewarding mechanisms of the loyalty programme were updated with the publication of new rules, a restyling of the website and the improvement of the portal’s usability even from mobile devices and the inclusion of additional benefits for the customer.
In all customer relations, Acea is committed to guaranteeing the respect of privacy in the management of personal data. In particular, since last year, Acea has adapted its organization to respond in the most appropriate way to the evolution of the relevant legislation, updated66 in line with the new European regulations on the protection of personal data (General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR)67.
In addition to traditional contact channels (call centre and branches), Acea makes digital contact channels available to customers.
The MyAcea self-care platform, also available in the form of an app for mobile devices, allows the customer to manage all water, electricity and gas utilities active with the Group companies through a single account, seeking to facilitate the User Experience and concurrent expansion of the available operations, while the processing of documents continues to be ensured by the Companies that manage the various services. The MyAcea App, installed by about 180,000 people, saw a further growth of the user base, with an increase in 2019 of 63% compared to the previous year (110,000 people in 2018). In Acea Energia, 223,150 customers have accessed the personal area at least once in the last 12 months, equal to 20% of the customer base, a percentage that reaches 25% only for customers in the free market.
To encourage the use of digital channels, in 2019 Acea Ato 2 relaunched communication campaigns through DEM (Direct Email Marketing) and strengthened the training of call centre operators to promote self-care services from the MyAcea personal area. It has also carried out communications campaigns on the website, on billboards and in newspapers to encourage the use of MyAcea, web billing and direct debit. The expanded range of offers and better usability of online services have made it possible to increase the number of subscribers to the MyAcea customer area of Acea Ato 2 by 27% compared to 2018, equal to 201,309 associated accounts as at 31/12/2019.
Acea Ato 5 launched the pilot project “Breakfast with senior citizens” in 2019. The project involves senior citizens’ centres with the aim of making it easier for elderly people to become familiar with digital tools, also promoting registration with the MyAcea portal and the use of the app. The Company has also placed its first information campaigns on websites, in local newspapers and online articles about the benefits of using the portal. These activities led to an increase in registrations with MyAcea, for a total of 32,853 users (+41% compared to 2018), equal to approximately 16% of the total contracts.
Gori and Gesesa have also made the customer areas available to users, also available as apps, MyGesesa and MyGori. The customer can carry out most operations online, eliminating the need to use traditional post. The percentages of use of remote channels and support chat in the MyGori platform have increased significantly, and the number of registered users as at 31.12.2019 is 81,388. A relevant effort was also put into circulating the use of the e-bill (see hereunder). During the year, Gesesa relaunched the Gesesa Digitale information campaign, to increase customers’ knowledge and use of web channels and the app for business relations with the company. As at 31.12.2019 there are 4,000 subscribers to the online branch.
Acea8cento manages some remote channels – telephones, faxes, web forms, post, social networks – for the main operating Companies in the Group, mainly for commercial use68. The service provided by the contact centre is managed with a One Call Solution (OCS) approach in order to promptly meet the needs expressed by customers in a single contact.
Acea8cento, an active part in the process of reviewing and simplifying the contact channels, in 2019 followed the preparation of two tenders aimed at awarding the management of the volumes of water service traffic and core activities and the energy service (open market and standard market service) and subsequently oversaw the start and implementation of the two services entrusted to the contractors. It also managed the consolidation of:
- Net Promoter Score (NPS) for the service dedicated to Acea Energia and Acea Ato 2 customers, which guarantees an objective measurement of the level of customer satisfaction;
- the social channel (Facebook) for Acea Energia customers in the free market aimed both at providing assistance through MyAcea and processing commercial requests;
- the chat channel for the water service managed by Acea Ato 2 and Acea Ato 5, and for the service dedicated to Acea Energia customers, through the use of the SnapEngage Live Chat software.
The Parent Company performs mystery customer surveys to check the quality of the telephone channels and the branches. The results are shared with Service Managers and contact operators and facilitate the identification of areas for improvement in each contact channel and take any necessary corrective measures. In 2019 a customer experience measurement project was carried out, with the application of an innovative model to three pilot processes in Acea Energia, Acea Ato2 and Areti. It involves the continuous monitoring of the services provided from the perspective of the customer, i.e. on the basis of the quality found, and this represents an additional measurement tool for identifying interventions to be taken on the operating processes and the organization.
In 2019 Acea toll-free numbers – according to two-year data recalculated with the inclusion of Gori – received about 4.2 million calls, a slight increase (+1.7%) compared to 2018 (about 4.1 million calls). The overall service level, representing the answers on the total calls received, was 92%.
The slight increase was recorded across the board for both the call centre services of the electricity area and those of the water service of the reporting companies, with the only exceptions being the sales toll-free numbers for customers of the Acea Energia standard market service and faults for customers of the water service of Acea Ato 2, which in contrast saw a decrease in calls (see chart no. 26 and tables nos. 32 and 33 at the end of the section for the performance of individual companies).


The polling survey conducted by the Regulatory Authority for Energy Networks and Environment (ARERA) in 201869 confirmed the recent improvement in the Customer Satisfaction Index as a whole (scale 0-100) for Acea Energia toll-free numbers, which rose from 86.8 out of 100 for the second half of 2017 to 92.2 out of 100. The improvement is due to all the quality factors analysed, and in particular to the factor “ability to solve the problem quickly”, which rises from 80.3% to 89.1% and which is given greater importance than the other factors.
In 2019 the branches of the Acea headquarters in Rome, Piazzale Ostiense, for electricity, gas and water services managed by Acea Energia and Acea Ato 2 received a total of 204,542 customers, with an increase of 5% compared to 2018 (194,338 customers). Most came for the energy area, fewer for the the water desk, and in both cases service levels were high. At the branches managed by Acea Ato 2 outside Rome (12 branches – Ostia and the province of Rome), however, in 2019 there was an increase of about 7% compared to the previous year, with 79,691 total visits in 2019. Despite this, the level of service (customers served/tickets issued) was 100% and average waiting and service times decreased.
See tables nos. 32 and 33 for the performance of the last two years of all Companies.
Acea Energia opened new physical Service points in Rome and outside Rome using a Shop in Shop formula, i.e. by setting them up in pre-existing multi-brand stores, many of which are owned by telecommunications companies. These new points of proximity to customers become an important point of reference for those who want to activate an electricity and gas account on the free market and rely on specialized advice.
With the aim of making its presence on the national territory increasingly widespread and flexible, Acea Energia established an important collaboration with a business partner active in Campania, opening a point of sale in Santa Maria Capua Vetere. Also within this physical point, customers can activate Acea Energia accounts on the free market and receive complete and timely assistance in managing their energy supply.
In October 2019 Acea Ato 5 inaugurated Frosinone’s new commercial point in a more central area of the city, with functional, easily accessible and technologically advanced environments. The new structure aims to promote a customer focus, with a view to speeding up services and promptness in responding to various customer needs. Completely innovative its space and aesthetics, the point has eight multipurpose workstations for front office and back office activities depending on the operating needs of the moment.
Operating Companies also handle written complaints, following the processing of cases using information systems: from reporting to resolution.
For the energy service, the “replies to written complaints/enquiries” both by the sales Company and the distribution Company, are services included among the levels of commercial quality subject to regulation by the national Authority (see sub-paragraph Quality levels regulated by ARERA in the electricity sector). In the same way, for the water service, the contractual quality levels, specific and general, introduced by the Authority, also provide for management procedures and response times to enquiries, written complaints and requests for billing adjustment (see sub-paragraph Quality levels regulated by ARERA in the water sector).
For the Public Lighting service, responses to complaints/written requests are handled directly by Areti. In 2019 3,715 complaints/requests were received, a marked increase compared to the 1,285 recorded in 2018. The company replied to 97% of them by 31 December.
On the website
www.acea.it dedicated to the
free market and on the
website www.servizioelettricoroma.it dedicated to the
protected service of Acea Energia there are
guides to reading the bill. A guide to reading the bill is also available for customers of the water service, found in the
Water section of the Acea Group website
In July 2019, Acea Energia launched a collaboration with Pedius, a startup that since 2013 has been committed to ensuring the integration of people with hearing impairments, to remove obstacles to communication. The Pedius app – available free of charge for all devices – allows customers with this type of difficulty to contact the Acea Energia call centre and access all commercial services. Indeed, thanks to this application the customer writes text messages in chat that are read to the call centre operator by a computerized voice while the operator’s answers are returned to users in written form so that they can easily read them. The interaction takes place on a telephone line with a priority position in the queue.
Thanks to the awareness-raising actions implemented, the number of Acea Energia customers who requested the “electronic bill” option increased. In 2019, 27,913 customers have made this choice and as at 31.12.2019 Acea Energia has reached a total number of 263,244 customers with electronic bill both in the free market and in the protected market. In terms of environmental protection, only with regard to paper sheets not sent70 thanks to the electronic bill option, this amounted to 36.7 tonnes/year of paper saved.
In line with the provisions of the industry Authority, in 2019 Acea Ato 2 supplemented the information provided in the bill with respect to the possibility and method of making payments in instalments as well as the indication of the reason in the event of automatic compensation for non-compliance with the provisions on the regulation of late payments and information on the possibility of requesting compensation from the operator for any further damage suffered, etc.
In addition to regular email campaigns aimed at residential customers to promote the digital functions, in October Acea Ato 2 launched an initiative at branches and contact points that includes the offer of a plastic free gadget to all customers who activate web bills and direct debit payment. As at 31.12.2019, the number of users of Acea Ato 2 with web billing is 83,909 (4% more than in 2018). The sheets of paper not sent in the year71 thanks to electronic billing amounted to 12 tonnes/year of paper saved.
The other Group companies operating in the water sector also offer their customers the opportunity to take advantage of the benefits of web billing. In particular, Gori launched the campaign “Web Bill: Easier, Faster”. The communication initiative and the training for call centre and contact point staff made it possible to reach 58,515 customers with a web bill, saving 5.2 tonnes/year of paper. As mentioned, during the year Acea Ato 5 promoted the use of digital channels and the activation of the web billing service both at the Acea Web point and at the branches. In particular, in the municipalities where this was more common, it sent approximately 11,600 emails to users for any reprints of bills, which also illustrated the potential of digital tools: the MyAcea portal and the electronic billing service. These initiatives led to a total of 14,218 users with the web billing service as at 31.12.2019, (approximately 46% more than in 2018), equal to approximately 7% of the user base. Gesesa launched the advertising campaign “All of Gesesa... in one click!”, broadcast on social channels, local media and with posters. As at 31.12.2019 it has 2,482 customers using the web billing service. Considering the latter two Companies, the paper savings associated with web bills in 2019 are equal to about 1 tonne of paper.
Overall, therefore, thanks to the offer of the web billing service and the customers who activated it, approximately 55 tonnes of paper were saved during the year.
| m.u. | 2018 | 2019 |
total calls received | no. | 958,463 | 900,450 |
total answers | no. | 894,819 | 827,230 |
service level (% of answers to calls received) | % | 93.4% | 91.9% |
average waiting time before answer | min. sec. | 1’36” | 1’36” |
average conversation time | min. sec. | 5’51” | 6’38” |
COMMERCIAL TOLL-FREE NUMBER (Acea Energia) – FREE MARKET (energy and gas) |
total calls received | no. | 765,505 | 784,997 |
total answers | no. | 696,258 | 705,154 |
service level (% of answers to calls received) | % | 91.0% | 89.8% |
average waiting time before answer | min. sec. | 0’55” | 1’54” |
average conversation time | min. sec. | 5’35” | 6’08” |
total calls received | no. | 256,984 | 291,538 |
total answers | no. | 248,879 | 285,962 |
service level (% of answers to calls received) | % | 96.8% | 98.1% |
average waiting time before answer | min. sec. | 1’11” | 1’15’’ |
average conversation time | min. sec. | 3’01” | 3’10’’ |
total calls received | no. | 143,481 | 143,158 |
total answers | no. | 135,870 | 140,249 |
service level (% of answers to calls received) | % | 94.7% | 98.0% |
average waiting time before answer | min. sec. | 1’06” | 0’53’’ |
average conversation time | min. sec. | 2’32” | 2’42” |
total calls received | no. | 97,107 | 103,473 |
total answers | no. | 91,846 | 98,995 |
service level (% of answers to calls received) | % | 94.6% | 96.2% |
average waiting time before answer | min. sec. | 0’47” | 0'54'' |
average conversation time | min. sec. | 5’53” | 4'52'' |
tickets issued | no. | 86,908 | 88,127 |
customers served | no. | 84,032 | 83,632 |
service level (% customers served/tickets issued) | % | 97.0% | 94.9% |
average waiting time | min. sec. | 10’04” | 12'10" |
average service time | min. sec. | 12’16” | 11'34" |
ACEA ENERGIA – FREE MARKET BRANCH (energy, gas and offers) |
tickets issued | no. | 51,475 | 65,884 |
customers served | no. | 49,452 | 64,215 |
service level (% customers served/tickets issued) | % | 96.0% | 97.5% |
average waiting time | min. sec. | 9’57” | 4'42" |
average service time | min. sec. | 12’25” | 11'46" |
(*) The volumes of channels subject to sector regulation are consistent with the calculation methods envisaged for reporting to ARERA.
(**) Calls handled by the automatic system or terminated by the customer during navigation within the interactive voice responder are also considered as answers.
| m.u. | 2018 | 2019 |
COMMERCIAL TOLL-FREE NUMBER (Acea Ato 2 – Rome and province) |
total calls received | no. | 696,117 | 720,891 |
total answers | no. | 633,287 | 650,790 |
service level (% of answers to calls received) | % | 91.0% | 90.3% |
average waiting time before answer | min. sec. | 0’48” | 2’16’ |
average conversation time | min. sec. | 5’13” | 4’42’’ |
FAULT TOLL-FREE NUMBER (Acea Ato 2 – Rome and province) (**) |
total calls received | no. | 488,067 | 454,441 |
total answers | no. | 485,156 | 453,871 |
service level (% of answers to calls received) | % | 99.4% | 99.9% |
average waiting time before answer | min. sec. | 0’23” | 0’15” |
average conversation time | min. sec. | 2’39” | 2’34” |
COMMERCIAL TOLL-FREE NUMBER (Acea Ato 5 – Frosinone and province) |
total calls received | no. | 185,446 | 199,789 |
total answers | no. | 167,374 | 181,530 |
service level (% of answers to calls received) | % | 90.3% | 90.9% |
average waiting time before answer | min. sec. | 1’00’’ | 1’36’’ |
average conversation time | min. sec. | 4’21’’ | 3’59’’ |
FAULT TOLL-FREE NUMBER (Acea Ato 5 – Frosinone and province) (**) |
total calls received | no. | 87,767 | 94,285 |
total answers | no. | 87,404 | 92,223 |
service level (% of answers to calls received) | % | 99.6% | 98.0% |
average waiting time before answer | min. sec. | 0’16” | 1’06” |
average conversation time | min. sec. | 2’39” | 1’54” |
COMMERCIAL TOLL-FREE NUMBER (GESESA – Benevento and province) |
total calls received | no. | 18,269 | 19,232 |
totale risposte | no. | 16,695 | 17,521 |
livello di servizio (% risposte su pervenute) | % | 91.4% | 91.1% |
tempi medi di attesa prima della risposta | min. sec. | n.a. | 0’49” |
tempi medi di conversazione | min. sec. | n.a. | 3’23” |
NV GUASTI (GESESA – Benevento e provincia) |
total calls received | no. | 12,938 | 13,919 |
total answers | no. | 10,934 | 10,267 |
service level (% of answers to calls received) | % | 84.5% | 73.8% |
average waiting time before answer | min. sec. | n.a. | 0’35” |
average conversation time | min. sec. | n.a. | 2’06” |
SALES TOLL-FREE NUMBER (Gori – provinces of Naples and Salerno) |
total calls received | no. | 305,137 | 332,248 |
total answers | no. | 237,101 | 293,015 |
service level (% of answers to calls received) | % | 78.0% | 88.0% |
average waiting time before answer | min. sec. | 3’22’’ | 3’20” |
average conversation time | min. sec. | 4’52’’ | 4’55” |
FAULTS TOLL-FREE NUMBER (Gori – provinces of Naples and Salerno) |
total calls received | no. | 126,069 | 153,309 |
total answers | no. | 115,420 | 133,640 |
service level (% of answers to calls received) | % | 91.4% | 87.2% |
average waiting time before answer | min. sec. | 1’23’’ | 1’08” |
average conversation time | min. sec. | 2’41’’ | 3’23” |
ACEA ATO 2 (Rome – head office branch) |
tickets issued | no. | 55,955 | 50,531 |
customers served | no. | 55,782 | 50,440 |
service level (% customers served/tickets issued) | % | 100% | 100% |
average waiting time | min. sec. | 3’20” | 5’19’’ |
average service time | min sec. | 12’37” | 14’16’’ |
ACEA ATO 5 (2 branches in Frosinone and province) |
tickets issued | no. | 78,114 | 93,598 |
customers served | no. | 74,868 | 91,888 |
service level (% customers served/tickets issued) | % | 96.0% | 98.0% |
average waiting time | min. sec. | 12’25” | 22’00’’ |
average service time | min. sec. | 7’06” | 7’59’’ |
GESESA (1 branch in Benevento and province) |
tickets issued | no. | 14,868 | 13,755 |
customers served | no. | 14,868 | 13,755 |
service level (% customers served/tickets issued) | % | 100% | 100% |
average waiting time | min. sec. | n.a. | 6’48’’ |
average service time | min. sec. | n.a. | 9’25’’ |
GORI (6 branches provinces of Naples and Salerno) |
tickets issued | no. | 186,899 | 202,209 |
customers served | no. | 175,525 | 190,650 |
service level (% customers served/tickets issued) | % | 94.0% | 94.0% |
average waiting time | min. sec. | 12’03” | 14’11’’ |
average service time | min. sec. | 10’17” | 10’27’’ |
(*) The volumes of channels subject to sector regulation are consistent with the calculation methods envisaged for reporting to ARERA.
(**) Calls handled by the automatic system or terminated by the customer during navigation within the interactive voice responder are also considered as answers.

61 Since February 2017 the ADR Body has been included by resolution in the list maintained by the Authority.
62 It should be noted that two other Group companies active in the water sector, not included in the scope of the Consolidated Non-Financial Statement, are signatories of the Protocol, and have received a total of 18 requests for ADR procedures, 13 of which are considered eligible.
63 In compliance with regulations (ARERA resolution 228/17) and art. 66 quinquies of the Consumer Code.
64 The final calculation is expected in March 2020 and the consolidated data will be updated in the next reporting cycle.
65 The figure not yet published in 2018 was lower, equal to 790 GWh.
66 Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 as amended and supplemented by Legislative Decree no. 101/2018 and subsequent amendments and additions.
67 Regulation EU 679/2016 (GDPR).
68 In addition to the commercial channels, Acea8cento handles the number for cemetery lighting managed by Areti.
69 The Authority had not yet shared the results of the survey in the second half of 2019 when this document was published. The final data have been calculated annually since 2018.
70 The figure includes all the sheets that, in the absence of the web bill option, would have been sent to customers in paper form: bills, reminders and other communications.
71 The number of sheets of paper not printed due to the use of web billing has due to the doubled compared to 2018 both because of the increase in users who have opted for web bills and, above all, due to the larger number of pages in the bill resulting from the increased amount of information required by the Authority.