Discover the Acea Group online 2019 Sustainability Report
Consumption of materials
Table no. 56 shows the main materials used in the different production processes by the Companies of the Group. For companies in the Environment segment, the most important resources are incoming waste for the production of compost and electricity (pulper and SRF waste-to-energy). In Acea Produzione, thermoelectric plants use combustible fossil fuels (natural gas and diesel) for the production of electrical energy. For Areti, sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) is a primary component of the electricity distribution process, as it is used in medium and high voltage transformers for its insulating, electrical and thermal power.
The Water Companies, on the other hand, use chemical products in their activities, such as reagents for the purification, disinfection and purification of waste water. Please refer to the environmental accounts for further information on the resources used for each area of reference. Finally, Acea Energia and the water companies responsible for the management of commercial aspects use paper for billing customers.
materials | m, u, | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 |
incoming waste | t | 144,747 | 119,857 | 153,330 |
pulper | t | 99,970 | 99,971 | 94,092 |
CSS | t | 45,639 | 357,174 | 340,531 |
methane | Sm3 x 1,000 | 15,965,6 | 21,420,2 | 23,703,0 |
diesel fuel | l | 864,520 | 230,350 | 574,405 |
SF6 | t | 29.8 | 21.7 | 21.9 |
miscellaneous chemicals | t | 10,746 | 10,782 | 14,581 |
paper | t | nd | 319 | 342 |
NOTE Data on incoming waste includes waste sent for anaerobic and aerobic treatment at the Orvieto landfill and waste processed for the production of compost (sludge, green, OFMSW and other agri-food waste). Pulper and SRF for waste-to-energy are resources with a renewable component linked to the biodegradable fraction of the waste. In 2019 the share of renewable and biodegradable pulper was about 47%, while that of SRF was about 51%. The increase in the use of water resources is mainly due to extraordinary maintenance planned on the purification areas. The data for paper are related to the billing of the Companies Acea Energia, Acea Ato 2, Acea Ato 5, Gori, Gesesa.